I'm not one to be sitting around doing nothing. In fact I'm usually doing at least 2 things at once, like watching football and writing a blog entry. (Side note, I don't really have a preference on a winner this year...but please not New England again.) Today was the day...test out the recovery from the evil germs that are still lingering. You see, my daughter gave me a new spice rack for Christmas. That doesn't seem all that difficult except in order to use the spice rack the cabinet must be cleaned out. To clean out the cabinet, the hall closet must be cleaned out. To clean out the Hall closet the shelving unit in the basement must be put together. Before the shelves can be but in place, I have to clean under the steps. Okay I didn't have to really clean under the steps. But it has needed to be done for years now, and it just seemed to be the right thing to do. before placing a shelving unit in front of a section that will probably not be accessed for 20 years. This was my project for today. I dragged out junk and dog hair and stuff. A few tracks from either a train set or race car? We never had either of those. An old pair of soccer shoes, they were actually both there. They made their way to the trash along with many dirty, unneeded items: Old broken mini blinds, curtain rods missing the other half, old curtains with no matches. Hmm, this spot has been dirty for a very long time. As I swept and cleaned this hidden space, I remembered a lost Polly Pocket from maybe 15 years ago. I had been sworn to never move from this house until she was found. Polly Pockets were serious business for my youngest daughter. Well I am happy to say, Polly has been found. I sifted through all the dust and the dirt just to be sure I didn't miss her. She is now cleaned up and living the good life in a safe place until I can re-unite her with the Polly Family in the attic. The spice rack? Yes, it too has been placed in it's new home today. Clean up, clean out. Positive chnage.
AuthorI am me, because that's all I can be. My hope is that I am someday the best me I can be. Every day is a work in progress. CategoriesArchives |